
Full Motorcycle Licence (6F)

When you are confident that you can pass a detailed assessment of your safe riding skills in higher speed conditions, you can take the CBTA Full Licence Assessment.

Assessment duration is 60 minutes, you will be supplied with a two-way communication system fitted to your helmet. Only guidance on directions can be provided by the Instructor.

Book Full Licence

Assessment Only

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: $175.00

If you are confident that you can pass a detailed assessment of your safe riding skills in higher speed conditions, you can take the CBTA Full Licence Assessment.

Highway Training

Duration: 2 hours
Cost: $250.00

Training for 2 hours on highway and rural roads.

You will be shown safe riding techniques including positioning, observations, anticipation, scanning and hazard awareness.

Combined Course

Duration: 3 hours
Cost: $385.00

This combines the highway course and the assessment.

At the conclusion of training there will be a short break and then you will complete the CBTA Full Licence Assessment.

Tailored Training

Duration: N/A
Cost: $125.00 per hour

As well as the courses shown, training can be tailored to your current level of experience and skill. 

Not sure what you need to bring along? Check out our "What do I need?" guide here.